

The Ricordi Online Numerical Catalogue expresses and embodies the celebrated Milanese musical publishing house’s activity.  All the works acquired by the company, founded by Giovanni Ricordi in 1808, are present in numerical order roughly corresponding to chronological order. They are described with their essential information for the identification of the compositions, including the sale prices at the dates of the publication of the catalogue’s two volumes, information that makes it possible to identify many first editions.  The two volumes of the catalogue, an important bibliographic resource for the history of music and music publishing from 1808 to 1870 in Italy and Europe, are here made available online. They contain 43,025 entries.  This online version may be consulted easily by catalogue number, by author, by the title of the composition, and by the date of publication (or acquisition) by the editor Ricordi. 



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Cat. Number Note Date
37668 Coop, Ernesto Antonio Luigi
Capriccio per Pfte sulla MARIA STUARDA. Op. 105.
37669 Cerimele, Michele
Fantasia brillante per Pfte a 4 mani sulla MARIA STUARDA. Op. 109
37671 De Meglio, Vincenzo
MARIA STUARDA. 3 Pezzi per Pfte:N. 2. Preghiera - Trascrizione. Op. 65
37672 De Meglio, Vincenzo
MARIA STUARDA. 3 Pezzi per Pfte:N. 3. Inno della morte. Coro Op. 66
37676 Bonamici, Ferdinando
Schizzo per Pfte sulla MARIA STUARDA
37677 Fischetti, Matteo Luigi
Fantasia brillante per Pfte a 4 mani sulla MARIA STUARDA. Op. 127
37679 Fischetti, Matteo Luigi
Bagattella per Pfte sulla MARIA STURDA. Op. 126
37747 Krakamp, Emanuele
Pot-pourri variato sulla MARIA STUARDA di Donizetti per Flauto con Pfte. Op. 222
37749 Lovreglio, Donato
Fantasia per Clarinetto in Si bem. con Pfte sulla MARIA STUARDA di Donizetti. Op. 48